Folder Aims

Abc Taxa aims to accelerate taxonomic capacity building by clearing existing taxonomic know-how. Therefore each volume strives to provide a detailed state of the art needed to embark on the taxonomy of a particular living taxon. As such, each manuscript should at least include the following, preferably didactically illustrated, sections:

  • an introduction to the general biology of the taxon;
  • a description of the collecting methodologies commonly used for the taxon;
  • a description of the curatorial methodologies commonly used for the taxon;
  • a description of the characters employed in the taxonomy of the group;
  • an outline of the current classification of the taxon;
  • a guide to the identification of the members of the taxon in the region under study;
  • a list of key-references.

Abc Taxa can be considered at any hierarchical level above the species. Both regional accounts and global treatises are deemed suitable for publication.

Further, as capacity building in taxonomic research does not stop with taxonomy sensu stricto, but also dwells on good practices, manuscripts dealing with related, more applied topics, relevant to taxonomic research will also be considered (e.g. nature photography, sampling techniques, databasing, ...).